Governors at The Abbey School are volunteers from the school and the community who ensure that the school is run to the highest of standards. To do this Governors meet on a regular basis and also come into school to monitor quality, making sure that their three core functions are being met effectively and ensuring that pupils at The Abbey School get the best education possible.
The Governing Body’s three core functions are:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff;
- Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.
Parents can always contact the Chair by writing to her via the School Office or email to:
The governing body has two committees:
- Finance, Staffing & Resources (Chair: Toby Franklin)
- Teaching & Learning (Chair: Christian Lewis)
Each committee meets once per term, the full governing body also meets termly, usually towards the end of a term following committee meetings. Governors undertake training provided by Surrey's contractor Strictly Education 4S (formerly Babcock International). Public copies of governing body minutes are available on request from the school office.
Current Governing Body Make Up
Toby Franklin | co-opted | 20.09.20 | LGB | 19.09.24 |
Katherine Hewett | co-opted | 11.03.23 | LGB | 10.03.27 |
David Jackson, Headteacher | headteacher | 01.04.17 | WMAT | ex officio |
Andrew Johnson | co-opted | 27.11.23 | LGB | 26.11.27 |
Anthony Jones | parent | 25.11.20 | LGB | 24.11.24 |
Sean Kennedy | co-opted | 22.04.20 | LGB | 21.04.24 |
Vicki Nixon | parent | 03.11.20 | LGB | 02.11.24 |
Sarah Ostler | parent | 25.11.20 | LGB | 24.11.24 |
Richard Moore | staff | 16.06.23 | LGB | 15.06.27 |
Catherine Easton | co-opted | 01.12.23 | LGB | 30.11.27 |
Bernadette Rivers | co-opted | 01.12.23 | LGB | 30.11.27 |
Governors who finished their term of office since September 2016
MR CHRISTIAN LEWIS | Co-opted Governor | Resignation 6.11.23 |
mrs teresa fulham | Staff Governor | End of term of office 07.05.23 |
Mrs lindsey o'dell | Parent Governor | End of term of office 04.11.20 |
mrs elizabeth pamplin | Co-opted Governor | Resignation 24.06.20 |
Mr karl schirmer | Parent Governor | Resignation 27.11.19 |
mr andrew melbourne | Co-opted Governor | Resignation 10.12.18 |
Mr David Munro | LA Governor | End of term of office |
Mr David Neal-Smith | Co-opted Governor | Resignation |
Mr David Diffey | Co-opted Governor | Resignation |
Mr Nathan Aspinall | Head teacher | Left the school |
Miss Rachel Barkess | Co-opted Governor | End of term of office |
Mr Andy Perry | Staff Governor | Resignation |