It is required that smart and clean uniform will be worn every day.
- Black blazer with school logo*
- Green V-necked sweatshirt with school logo*
- or Black V-necked sweatshirt with school logo* (Year 11 students only, optional)
- Abbey School tie*
- White shirt/blouse (a white polo shirt with school logo* may be worn as an alternative (optional), without a tie, during the summer term only i.e. after the Easter holidays and until we break up in July.)
- Black trousers/tailored shorts (summer term)/skirt
- Black shoes (NOT trainers)
- PE kit:
- Green polo shirt with school logo*
- Black shorts/skort/leggings
- Socks
- Suitable footwear
Green ¼ Zip Track Top with school logo*
Sweatshirt, joggers, hat and gloves for winter
- Sun hat and water bottle for summer
- A change of footwear is needed to go on the field at break times and when the grass is wet.
Items marked * are available to purchase from Brenda's, the schoolwear specialists, both at their shop at 130 Frimley Road, Camberley Surrey GU15 2QN (telephone number 01276 818424 or e-mail shop@brendas.uk ) and on-line at:
Brenda's also stock school shirts/blouses and trouser/skirts, etc but these can also be purchased from other retail outlets, as preferred.
The Friends of The Abbey School offer a pre-loved uniform service. Donated items are displayed at school events for you to help yourself (in return for a voluntary contribution to FOTAS funds). You may also request items of 2nd hand uniform via the school
Pre-loved uniform request form
Outdoor Coats
These should be black/dark in colour without large logos or slogans. ‘Hoodies’ are not permitted.
Personal grooming – A clean, tidy appearance is expected for school with correct school uniform including tie, respectable hair-style (hair longer than shoulder length must be tied up).The link below will take you to a website which might be useful to share with your son/daughter.
Jewellery should be discreet and limited to: 1 watch, 1 bracelet, no more than one ring on each hand and a maximum of 2 stud earrings only (1 in each ear lobe); all of which need to be removed for PE. It is very important for safety and hygiene for your child to wear suitable clothing for P.E. lessons. Please note that Surrey County Council and the school’s PE Policy clearly state that any earrings must be removed for PE lessons (covering with tape or plasters is not acceptable).
We also ask that students do not get their ears pierced during term time as they will not be able to remove these for six weeks, impacting on their ability to take part in PE. Please ensure that, if your child is planning to have any ear piercing, it is done at the start of the holidays to allow time to heal before they return to school.
There is more detail about the school's uniform and appearance expectations for students in the document linked below: